lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016


Hello Everybody this time I'd like to write to the American Lectors, I saw the stadistics of this blog and most of the viewers are from USA, so for this I'd like to show some of the steps to make a e-mailing campaing to be used as another digital marketing tool.

¿What´s Mailer Lite?

First let me tell you a short introduction of Mailer lite, this is a E-mail Marketing Service, I met it recently when I took a Digital Marketing Course.

The best thing is that you can started using it for free until 1000 suscribers. 

Also it´s integrated with a lot of other services just as Landing Pages where you can build your own design that adapts to your service or product adding a Suscribe botton function and full of other features that makes mailer like a great tool.

Quick Guide

Before to start we have to log in and create an account, so enter to the following website

There, you'll have an small blue button at top right which says "Sign up free"

You have to Click on this button to Create the account so you only have to type your information on the spaces. As I told you before the account allows until 1000 suscribers for free and you'll have access to all the features. So we click on Create my account.

Once you're in your profile you can start doing a Webform to start having suscribers, so we'll Click on Webform button

And then Click on "Add new Webform"

You´ll have to type the name of your Webform and click on "Save and Continue"

We're going to choose the Webform type, in this case I'm selecting a Landing Page because as a beginner we want to reach as much as possible suscribers and following the nowadays situation anybody want to give their information if they don´t receive something in turn, so you have to prepare an interesting article which could be related to your product or not.

This article is prefered to be uploaded on Google Drive as a PDF (here a leave the steps of how you can do this. 


Then you have to select your suscribers group and click on "Save and continue"

There you have the templates of the landing page so you can select any of it, I'm clicking on "Ebook Template" in the "Select Bottom"

And there you are in your Landing Page Builder, here you can edit whatever you want,

You only have to put the mouse in the area that you want to edit and it´ll appear a frame which has 3 buttons: 
1.-Edit the content of the space and the design
2.-Duplicate that area 
3.-Eliminate that area

Also you can add other features as Pop Up form, Testimonials, Timer (if its an important event), and full of features. Once you have edit the Landing Page, click on "Sucess Page"

So you can edit it also, here is an important step because you have to upload your PDF article from Google Drive, so Click on the edition of the "Download your book" botton in order to add it. Just as is in the next picture.

Once you write it and finish building your Landing Page click on "Done Editing" then "Save and Continue"

Finally you have your URL, you only have to copy-paste on your search page.

Here I leave the URL of my Landing Page, so you can check it and give me your opinion about it.


Also here is a video of this steps, it explains a little bit more about all the features.

Thanks for visiting my blog

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